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Online "Speech Bank" Exercise

Instructions: Chapter Sixteen explains the components of effective oral style, including precision, clarity and vividness. A simple, concise style lends itself well to clarity, but it's important not to confuse simple with boring. There are many different ways to add zest to your delivery. To see examples of vividness at work, visit and click on the links for "alliteration," "metaphor," "parallelism," and "antithesis." You will hear examples of each from a variety of different sources, including speeches, movies, and even television shows.

In summary: Developing your own speaking style is lot like developing your own writing style; you get better with practice. In the beginning, it may seem easiest to imitate someone else's style, but that is something you want to avoid. Develop your own voice right from the start. Sites like are great sources for delivery ideas, but always keep in mind that ultimately it's important for you to speak in a style that is truly your own.

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