Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)


Multiple Choice Quiz

By cutting slits onto his penis in a public ritual, the Maya prince Chan Bahlum intended to
A)test his potency and power of fertility.
B)please the goddess.
C)imitate the gods' sacrifice.
D)be circumcised.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The low sea levels during ice ages
A)prohibited human migrations from Siberia to North America.
B)exposed land bridges that linked Siberia with Alaska and Australia with New Guinea.
C)enabled humans to migrate via floating glaciers.
D)made it impossible for indigenous Americans to fish.
E)All of the answers are correct.
All but one of the following is true regarding migrations to the Americas:
A)A large migration came about 13,000 B.C.E.
B)By 9500 B.C.E. the migrants had reached the tip of South America.
C)The migrants were hunters and gatherers.
D)Most of the migrants arrived by boat.
E)Most of the migrations to the Americas took place during the last ice age.
As for early agriculture in Mesoamerica, we can say that
A)the settlers developed food crops brought from Siberia.
B)horses and oxen played important roles in transportation and farming.
C)the settlers developed maize as their staple food around 5000 B.C.E.
D)the settlers supplemented their diets with meat from cattle.
E)All of the answers are correct.
The Olmecs
A)established the first complex society in Mesoamerica.
B)built ceremonial centers with pyramids and temples.
C)lived in an area where rubber trees flourished.
D)constructed elaborate drainage systems.
E)All of the answers are correct.
The Olmec society produced
A)paintings that depicted the daily lives of the ruling elite.
B)books on astronomy.
C)huge sculptures of human heads.
D)colorful murals on walls of temples.
E)All of the answers are correct.
The decline of Olmec society might have been caused by
A)civil conflicts.
B)human sacrifice.
C)calendrical miscalculation.
E)None of the answers are correct.
For the Olmecs, the ceremonial center at San Lorenzo was like
A)Tikal to the Maya.
B)Chichén Itzá to the Tikal.
C)La Venta to the Tikal.
D)Teotihuacan to the Maya.
E)None of the answers are correct.
A traveler in Tikal might have seen
A)pyramids, plazas, and palaces.
B)stone-paved courts for ball games.
C)the Temple of the Giant Jaguar.
D)kings, priests, nobles, merchants, slaves, and war captives.
E)All of the answers are correct.
The Maya calendar
A)contained a lunar year and a solar year.
B)contained a twelve-year cycle.
C)was devised by the kings.
D)was used to determine the fortune of activities on a given day.
E)None of the answers are correct.
The Popol Vuh concerned
A)the Maya calendar.
B)the hunt for jaguars.
C)the rules for the ball game.
D)the creation of the world.
E)None of the answers are correct.
Which of the following would not have been seen at Teotihuacan?
A)the Pyramid of the Sun.
B)the Pyramid of the Moon.
C)a large quantity of books.
D)iron tools.
E)orange pottery.
After about 650 C.E., the city of Teotihuacan, another of the successor societies of the Olmecs, began to decline. The reasons for the downfall of Teotihuacan are
A)military pressure and invasion from surrounding peoples.
B)epidemic diseases, population pressure, and ecological destruction.
C)multiple civil wars.
D)a series of natural disasters.
E)still unknown.
The heartland of early Andean society was
A)the region now occupied by the states of Peru and Bolivia.
B)the region now occupied by the states of Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.
C)the islands of the Pacific ocean.
D)the region of the Amazon basin.
E)All of the answers are correct.
During the period of the Chavín cult,
A)large temple complexes were built.
B)carvings of wild animals were created.
C)weavers produced cotton textiles.
D)gold, silver, and copper jewelry was made.
E)All of the answers are correct.
Mochica was
A)one of several large states of Andean society.
B)one of several large ceremonial centers of Andean society.
C)one of several large cults of the Andean region.
D)one of several gods of the Andean region.
E)None of the answers are correct.
Which of the following is true of the story of the voyage of Ru?
A)It was written down in the early centuries C.E.
B)It told of contact between the Austronesians and the coastal Americans.
C)It told of crossing the land bridge from southeast Asia to New Guinea.
D)It told of a migration from Hawai'i to an uninhabited island.
E)It told of the creation of the world.
The Lapita peoples
A)were named after the language they spoke.
B)used items made of copper and iron as items of exchange.
C)spread throughout Australia.
D)lived in large urban centers throughout Oceania.
E)developed sea trading and communications networks.
The developments of early societies in Australia and New Guinea took different paths because
A)the environments of the two islands were very different.
B)the Austronesians introduced root crops and domesticated animals to New Guinea.
C)the aboriginal peoples of Australia relied on kangaroo meat, which made agriculture unnecessary.
D)the people of Australia converted to agriculture much earlier.
E)None of the answers are correct.
All of the following conditions helped the Austronesians to people the islands of the Pacific except
A)their skills of navigation and boat building.
B)their knowledge of agriculture and raising domestic animals.
C)population pressure and internal conflicts.
D)their chiefly political organizations.
E)the trade network of the Lapita.
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