Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 18: Genomics

ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Why would you test for a specific antibody or antigen? The ELISA test can test for a specific antibodies and antigens. Testing for an antigen is useful in testing for infection by a specific disease. Testing for antibodies can also test for the presence of a disease or for the extent of the immune response to the disease. An individual with a compromised immune system, for example, might have antigens in their system but not produce the appropriate antibodies.

View the animation below, then complete the quiz to test your knowledge of the concept.


The direct ELISA test requires
A)known antibody
B)known antigen
D)patient antibody

Place the following reactants in their proper order for the indirect ELISA test
1 = enzyme-linked antibody
2 = known antigen
3 = patient serum
4 = substrate
A)2 4 1 3
B)3 2 1 4
C)1 4 3 2
D)4 1 3 2
E)2 3 1 4

In the indirect ELISA test the enzyme-linked antibody will attach to
A)the patient antigen
B)the variable region of the patient antibody
C)the constant region of the patient antibody
D)the wall of the microtiter well
E)known antibody

In the indirect ELISA test the development of color means the patient has the antibody being tested for.

The direct ELISA test is used to test for the presence of specific antibodies in a patient's serum.
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