Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 44: The Nervous System

Video Quiz - Making Brain Cells

Objective: Explain how adult stem cells have the potential to be used as a start to cell lines for neuronal tissue and identify the research being done to create a new source of multi-potent stem cells.

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Why are stem cells different from other cells?
A)They require no nutrition
B)They can divide more rapidly
C)They can change into specialized cells the body needs
D)They are able to remove metabolic wastes more readily

What ethical controversy is avoided in using adult stem cells?
A)Growing them in vitro
B)Use of embryonic tissue
C)Destroying them too easily
D)Growing them in vivo

Where are stem cells found in the skin?
A)In the pigment producing cells called melanocytes
B)In the muscle tissue called erector pili involved in causing goosebumps
C)In the collagen fibers that anchor the skin to underlying tissue
D)In the follicles which are involved in producing hair

How did the connection between skin and brain neurons happen?
A)A brain protein called Nestin was being examined by linking a gene for pigment production to it. It was introduced into a rat, and the rats hair follicles were found to express the pigment gene.
B)A series of neurons were given the gene for hair production and were observed producing protein hair fibers instead of dendrites.
C)A culture of young skin cells were accidentally found to be able to conduct electrochemical impulses when placed in an environment that supported them.
D)A group of neuron cells were placed into an culture of skin cells and their neurotransmitter called dopamine, prompted the skin cells to become neurons.

What is the next step that is necessary in this area of research?
A)To obtain approval from the American Medical Society for this type of research.
B)To examine if the stem cells are able to become as effective as the neurons the brain produces.
C)To further understand the conditions that allow the hair follicle stem cells to form other cells.
D)To obtain support funding for the continued work that is needed.
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