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Custom Publishing Primis

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach, 7/e

Albert B. Bennett, Jr., University of New Hampshire
Laurie J. Burton, Western Oregon University
L. Ted Nelson, Portland State University

ISBN: 0073053708
Copyright year: 2007

This book is designed for a mathematics for elementary school teachers course where instructors choose to focus on and/or take an activities approach to learning. It provides inductive activities for prospective elementary school teachers and incorporates the use of physical models, manipulatives, and visual images to develop concepts and encourage higher-level thinking. This text contains an activity set that corresponds to each section of the companion text, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach which is also by Bennett/Nelson. The Activities Approach text can be used independently or along with its companion volume. The authors are pleased to welcome Laurie Burton, PhD, Western Oregon University to this edition of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach.

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach

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