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Table of Contents

ANNUAL EDITIONS: Social Psychology, Seventh Edition

UNIT 1. Research Issues

New! 1. How to Be a Wise Consumer of Psychological Research, American Psychological Association, 2006

Research in psychology can sometimes be challenging to understand. This article offers insight into the nature of research and methodological issues as well as helps the reader to evaluate researchers’ claims and be a more informed consumer of such data.

New! 2. Ethnic and Racial Health Disparities Research: Issues and Problems, Stanley Sue and Meenu K. Dhindsa, Health Education and Behavior, vol. 33, no. 4, 2006

Sometimes ethnic and cultural backgrounds affect the research methods utilized. How does race affect the research? This article offers insight into the inherent challenges posed by different ways of defining disparities and heterogeneity within racial or ethnic groups.

UNIT 2. The Self

New! 3. Self-Esteem Development Across the Lifespan, Richard W. Robins and Kali H. Trzesniewski, Current Directions in Psychological Science, vol. 14, no. 3, 2005

A lifespan view of self-esteem indicates remarkable continuity in light of varying life experiences through childhood, into adolescence, and finally into adulthood. Interestingly, systematic changes to self-esteem reflect the individuality of life experience. One’s self-concept may be seen as a mental construct that helps organize the life lived.

4. Self-Concordance and Subjective Well-Being in Four Cultures, Kennon M. Sheldon et. al., Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, March 2003

Self-concordance occurs when people pursue goals that best fit their own values and interests rather than goals others tell them they should pursue. In the study presented here, while there existed some differences based on culture, self-concordance or “owning one’s actions” correlated with subjective well-being, signaling that this may be a universal human value.

New! 5. Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Yourself As Others See You, Carlin Flora, Psychology Today, May/June 2005

This essay explores self-concept and how significant others influence how we see ourselves. Self-awareness and shyness are also discussed to add further insight. This article brings to mind the Johari Window which is often applied to personal adjustment.

UNIT 3. Social Cognition and Social Perception

Part A. Social Cognition

6. How Social Perception Can Automatically Influence Behavior, Melissa J. Ferguson and John A. Bargh, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, January 2004

Knowledge that is incidentally activated in memories can inadvertently influence our behaviors. This is especially likely to happen during social perception and social cognition.

New! 7. Flashbulb Memories: How Psychological Research Shows That Our Most Powerful Memories May Be Untrustworthy, Daniel Greenberg, Skeptic, Winter 2005

Classic and contemporary studies on false memories are reviewed. Such memories distort our assessments and recollections about other people, situations, and objects.

New! 8. Culture Affects Reasoning, Categorization, Zak Stambor, Monitor on Psychology, November 2005

Culture affects how we see the world and therefore how we interpret others’ behaviors. Several cultures are discussed in this article to illustrate this point. The author questions, then, why undergraduates are utilized so frequently as research participants.

Part B. Social Perception

New! 9. The Social Nature of Perception and Action, Günther Knoblich and Natalie Sebanz, Current Directions in Psychological Science, June 2006

Higher cognitive functioning, such as mentalizing and language processing, affect social exchanges. Such functions help us engage with others and, more importantly, share joint actions with them.

New! 10. Perception of Faces and Bodies, Virginia Slaughter, Valerie E. Stone, and Catherine Reed, Current Directions in Psychological Science, December 2004

Faces and bodies convey much social information to the perceiver. Until now, research has focused mainly on the human face. Researchers today, however, are questioning whether the perception of body cues occurs in the same way as does the perception of facial cues.

UNIT 4. Attitudes

New! 11. Implicit Discrimination, Marianne Bertrand, Dolly Chugh, and Sendhil Mullainathan, American Economic Review, May 2005

People can think, behave, and feel in a manner that opposes their openly expressed attitudes or explicit attitudes. Implicit attitudes affect us in surreptitious ways of which we may remain unaware. Research demonstrates that implicit attitudes influence racial discrimination, bargaining performance, and police decisions, among other important behaviors.

12. The Science and Practice of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini and Noah J. Goldstein, Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, April 2002

The authors review six tried and true strategies related to persuasion or the process of one person trying to sway another’s viewpoint. In short, the principles include liking, reciprocation, consistency, scarcity, social validation, and authority.

New! 13. In Search of Pro-Americanism, Anne Applebaum, Foreign Policy, July/August 2005

Applebaum examines some of the factors that directly affect attitudes, in this case, attitudes toward the United States. She cites direct political experience, cohort group, gender, upward mobility, and other demographics as reasons. Importantly, she also discusses the unpredictable malleability of such attitudes.

UNIT 5. Social Influence

New! 14. “Thin Slices” of Life, Lea Winerman, Monitor on Psychology, March 2005

We make snap judgments about people all the time, but are these assessments accurate? Several historical and modern studies suggest that we are quite accurate at first impressions, especially at appraising certain traits. More remarkably, research demonstrates that we can make these judgments quite quickly.

15. Abu Ghraib Brings a Cruel Reawakening, Clive Cookson, Financial Times, July 2, 2004

The torture of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers shocked the world. Clive Cookson examines the issue and its causes. After reviewing the research on Zimbardo’s mock prison, he concludes that we are all capable of such abusive behavior.

16. Persuasion: What Will It Take to Convince You?, Michael J. Lovaglia, from Knowing People: The Personal Use of Social Psychology, McGraw–Hill, 2000

A key factor that can make persuasion attempts more effective involves the strategic way in which the request is made. Michael Lovaglia describes how the foot-in-the-door technique (making small requests before larger ones) can lead to greater compliance, and also how the norm of reciprocity can produce in others a feeling of obligation.

UNIT 6. Social Relationships

Part A. Interpersonal Relationships

New! 17. Contagious Behavior, Shirley Wang, APS Observer, February 2006

In our interpersonal relationships we interact with a spectrum of behaviors. Sometimes we replicate the behavior of others and “join in the chorus” as those around us follow suit. This phenomenon is called contagious behavior and has been linked to such social psychology topics as empathy, prosocial behavior, and influence.

New! 18. Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks, Tiziana Casciaro and Miguel Sousa Lobo, Harvard Business Review, June 2005

Whether in school or in a workplace setting, we are faced with human diversity. This article offers the reader the opportunity to assess such social influences and to develop ways in which to cope effectively. These strategies incorporate an eclectic combination of psychological perspectives.

Part B. Intimate Relationships

19. Isn’t She Lovely?, Brad Lemley, Discover, February 2000

Social psychologists have long known about the power of physical attractiveness—beautiful and handsome people are often seen as superior in a number of ways. Recently, however, considerable research has explored exactly what it is that makes someone attractive. Brad Lemley examines research that suggests that a large role is played by evolutionary processes, as well as cultural influences.

20. If It’s Easy Access That Really Makes You Click, Log On Here, Karen Gold, Time Higher Education Supplement, February 13, 2004

Karen Gold addresses how access to online potential romantic partners is not only changing when and how people meet others, it is also changing our concepts of infidelity, dating, and even marriage.

New! 21. Brokeback Mountain: A Gay and a Universal Love Story, Ilene A. Serlin, PsycCritiques, vol. 51, no. 11, 2006

Brokeback Mountain is a controversial film about gay cowboys. Ilene Serlin examines this film from a psychological perspective. She concludes that the film provides fodder for discussions on sexual identity, biases, alienation, and belongingness among other social psychological issues.

UNIT 7. Social Biases

Part A. Prejudice

22. The Self-Protective Properties of Stigma: Evolution of a Modern Classic, Jennifer Crocker and Brenda Major, Psychological Inquiry, 2003

Two of the leading researchers on stigma and prejudice describe how they came to do their work together and why their early work has become a “modern classic.” They continue to research stigma and its effects on self-esteem in addition to other important aspects of a person’s self-concept and behavior.

New! 23. Leaving Race Behind, Amitai Etzioni, The American Scholar, Spring 2006

Etzioni discusses just how contrived and capricious racial categories are. The new debates about Hispanics and immigration are really driving home the folly of the way the government and the average American view race and ethnicity. Etzioni states that we are a long way from a color-blind nation, but in the meantime education might indeed help Americans better accept one another.

Part B. Stereotyping

New! 24. Lowered Expectations, Zak Stambor, Monitor on Psychology, June 2006

Teachers all too often may focus on their low expectations for the performance of minority group children. Instead, teachers should focus on belongingness, engagement, and challenges all students face. Techniques such as the jigsaw classroom might help both teachers and students.

25. Change of Heart, Adam Goodheart, AARP Magazine, May/June 2004

Discrimination takes place when prejudiced persons act on their biases against others. Discrimination can occur in denial of housing, jobs, education and other necessities. A recent survey shows that despite the existence of prejudice and discrimination in American society, an increasing number of Americans are open to sharing their life, work, and love with people of different races and ethnicities.

26. Thin Ice: “Stereotype Threat” and Black College Students, Claude M. Steele, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1999

One of the most interesting concepts in contemporary social psychology is the notion of stereotype threat—the idea that the fear of confirming a negative stereotype about one’s group can lead to changes in motivation and self-concept. Social psychologist Claude Steele indicates that it can have powerful negative implications for minority students.

UNIT 8. Violence and Aggression

New! 27. A Bicultural Perspective on Worldviews, Ilham Al-Sarraf, AHP Perspective Magazine, October/November 2005

Culture and conflict sometimes seem inextricably entwined. The internal Iraqi violence between Shiaa and Sunni is, in some ways, based upon a uniformity of differing obedience. This article discusses the violence and aggression in Iraq from the viewpoint of humanistic psychology.

New! 28. Anger on the Road, Melissa Dittmann, Monitor on Psychology, June 2005

Have you ever felt yourself to be the victim of aggression while driving? Have you ever felt like employing retaliatory behavior toward other drivers? Anger management may play a role in making our highways and byways safer for us all.

29. Bullying: It Isn’t What It Used to Be, Janice Selekman and Judith A. Vessey, Pediatric Nursing, May/June 2004

Bullying may appear to be a rite of passage, but the way children bully one another today has changed. Outright violence, suicide, and sometimes murder are more likely to occur than in the past.

30. Influencing, Negotiating Skills, and Conflict-Handling: Some Additional Research and Reflections, T. Manning and B. Robertson, Industrial and Commercial Training, March 1, 2003

Negotiation and social influence can go a long way toward conflict management. The authors present data to this effect; their research suggests, however, that negotiation goes beyond mere conflict management. The authors also discuss situations in which negotiation may or may not be appropriate.

UNIT 9. Altruism, Helping and Cooperation

New! 31. The Compassionate Instinct, Dacher Keltner, Greater Good, Spring 2004

In the 21st century is greed good and altruism simply an illusion? This article explores helping and cooperation in our quickly changing society. Are humans hard wired for compassion? Is there a tie into evolutionary psychology and prosocial behavior? Keltner offers insights into the biological basis for helping.

New! 32. Gift Giving’s Hidden Strings, G. Jeffrey MacDonald, The Christian Science Monitor, December 24, 2003

Do we help others less blessed to make ourselves feel better? Is compassion focused only on the needs of the individual giver? Why are charities experiencing an increase in giving but with more strings attached to the gift itself? Altruism in the 21st century is quickly changing!

33. Trends in the Social Psychological Study of Justice, Linda J. Skitka and Faye J. Crosby, Personality and Social Psychology Review, November 1, 2003

Justice or, loosely, fairness among individuals is the basis for much human cooperation. This article reviews past literature and points to new directions in the study of social justice.

UNIT 10. Group Processes

Part A. Leadership

New! 34. Seven Transformations of Leadership, David Rooke and William R. Torbert, Harvard Business Review, April 2005

Rooke and Torbert claim that leaders can endeavor to understand their own actions; when they do, they transform not only themselves but their organizations. Rooke and Torbert’s research has led them to classifying leaders into seven types, each with its own strengths.

35. When Followers Become Toxic, Lynn R. Offermann, Harvard Business Review, January 2004

Followers use all manner of manipulative techniques (for example, flattery) to get on the good side of their leader. Astute leaders know how to overcome such attempts so that their decisions are based on what is best for the group (or the organization) rather than based on sycophancy.

Part B. Groups

New! 36. To Err Is Human, Bruce Bower, Science News, August 14, 2004

The crux of social psychology is the study of group behaviors. Classic research, as reviewed here, has turned up human foibles such as buckling under to authority, bystander apathy, and mindless conformity. Newer research continues along these lines. Only by pointing out human shortcomings can psychologists help people overcome them.

37. Senate Intelligence Report: Groupthink Viewed as Culprit in Move to War, Vicki Kemper, Los Angeles Times, July 10, 2004

Groupthink is a group decision-making process identified by social psychologists. When groups and leaders ignore or discount outside advice, the result is a bad decision—or groupthink. Many other historic events from the Bay of Pigs invasion to the explosions of the space shuttles undoubtedly were the result of this insular style of group decision making.

New! 38. Sports Complex: The Science Behind Fanatic Behavior, Shirley Wang, APS Observer, May 2006

Team win-loss records cannot be solely responsible for fan loyalty. Social psychologists believe that being a fan, in some cases a fanatic fan, is the result of a strong need to belong to a group and perhaps viewing one’s team as an extension of the self. Fanaticism has grown in large part due to the humanization (accessibility) of sports and today’s enhanced marketing techniques.

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