Environmental Science AP Edition, 12th Edition, (Cunningham)

Chapter 1: Understanding Our Environment

Rio de Janiero, Brazil

<a onClick="window.open('/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/0012083252/484165/google.jpg','popWin', 'width=210,height=178,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (34.0K)</a>

Take a virtual field trip with Google Earth! Google Earth is a free, online application that uses satellite imagery to allow the user to zoom across the globe in a realistic, virtual environment. Downloading Google Earth is free at http://www.earth.google.com.

Tips for Using Google Earth (1176.0K)

Click here to go to Rio de Janiero, Brazil in Google Earth.

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