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For Further Reading
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Cromwell, D., 2000. Ocean circulation. New Scientist, vol. 166, no. 2239, 20 May, Inside Science supplement no. 130, pp.-1–4. A summary of what is known about ocean currents and current research eff orts to learn more.

González, F. I., 1999. Tsunami! Scientific American, vol. 280, no. 5, May, pp. 56– 65. Detailed explanations of how tsunamis form and behave, and a review of their worldwide impacts.

Krajik, K., 2001. Message in a bottle. Smithsonian, vol. 32, no. 4, July, pp. 36–47. An oceanographer studies ocean currents by-tracking the paths taken by rubber duckies, tennis shoes, and other floating objects.

Kunzig, R., 2001. The physics of . . . deep-sea animals: They love the pressure. Discover, vol. 22, no. 8, August, pp. 26–27. Deep-sea organisms feel the squeeze under the pressure of the deep.

Linn, A., 1983. Oh, what a spin we're in, thanks to the Coriolis effect. Smithsonian, vol. 13, no. 11, February, pp. 66–73. A detailed explanation of the Coriolis effect and a look at some of its consequences.

Matthews, R., 1997. Wacky water. New Scientist, vol. 154, no. 2087, 21 June, pp.-40–43. Plain water, so familiar to us all, still holds secrets.

Stutz, B., 2004. Rogue Waves. Discover, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 48–55, July. Rogue waves are almost impossible to catch in the real ocean so a team of oceanographers tries to understand them in the laboratory.

Clark, P. U., N. G. Pisias, T. F. Stocker, and A. J. Weaver, 2002. The role of the termohaline circulation in abrupt climate change. Nature, vol. 415, no. 6874, pp.-863–869.

Johnson, G. C., B. M. Sloyan, W. S. Kessler and K. E. McTaggart, 2002. Direct measurements of upper ocean currents and water properties across the tropical Pacifific during the 1990s. Progress in Oceanography, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 31–61.

Koeve, W. and H. W. Ducklow, 2001. JGOFS synthesis and modeling: The North Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea-Research Part II: Topical Studies in-Oceanography, vol. 48, no. 10, pp.-2141–2154.

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