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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The _____ is the foundation upon which marketing objectives are determined and the marketing plan is developed.
A)situation analysis
B)hierarchy of effects
C)DAGMAR approach
D)S-shaped response curve
E)concave-upward function model
Which of the following is an example of a marketing objective?
A)to have press releases run in 80 percent of all of the magazines devoted to sports during the summer quarter
B)to develop a new advertising campaign for soy-based ice cream by the end of April
C)to increase share of the video game market by 3 percent by Dec. 31
D)to develop a tie-in with the newest movie in the Ring Trilogy
E)to hire three experienced salespeople within the next six months
Hindustan Lever is marketing Fair & Lovely skin whitening cream in India. In India, skin color is closely associated with caste, and it is important to many Indians to marry within their caste. The upper castes have the lighter complexion. It follows that a woman using the skin whitening cream might be able to pass herself as coming from a higher caste than she actually does. The product is selling very well in spite of protests from various religious organizations. Hindustan Lever says it will not remove the product from the market because of how quickly stores' stocks of the cream are depleted and because forecasts indicate the company's market share will continue to grow. Hindustan Lever more than likely has a _____ objective for the cream.
Within the hierarchy of effects model, the stage prior to purchase is conviction. At this stage, the marketing communications have convinced consumers they should buy the product, but the purchase may be postponed due to some situational or psychological factor. Which of the following terms is associated with that time lag between conviction and purchase?
A)spillover effect
B)wasted coverage
C)recency effect
D)primacy effect
E)the carryover effect
According to the Lavidge and Steiner hierarchy of effects model, _____ would be useful to make consumers aware of a product.
A)argumentative copy
B)last-chance offers
C)image copy
D)teaser campaigns
According to the DAGMAR approach, objectives should be:
C)targeted to work with a market aggregation strategy.
E)all of the above
Which of the following statements about the DAGMAR approach to setting advertising objectives is true?
A)The DAGMAR approach has focused promotional planners on the value of using sales-oriented objectives rather than communications objectives.
B)The DAGMAR approach does not rely on the hierarchy of effects model.
C)The DAGMAR approach is popular because of how the objectives encourage creativity.
D)The DAGMAR approach is very simple to implement
E)None of the above statements about the DAGMAR approach to setting advertising objectives is true.
Zero-based communications planning focuses on:
A)the target market
B)supply-demand ratios
C)the task to be done
D)reducing costs to an ideal level
E)all of the above
One of the most critical decisions facing the marketing manager as he or she prepares the marketing communications needed to achieve communications objectives is:
A)how to move a product in the maturity stage of its product life cycle back to the growth stage
B)whether the promotional effort will be viewed as an investment or an expense
C)how to create economies of scale in production
D)how to ensure the company is acting socially responsible
E)how much money to spend on the promotional effort
Marketing managers who use marginal analysis to set advertising budgets assume:
A)promotional efforts should be shown as an expense on an income statement
B)sales are a direct result of advertising and promotional effort
C)budgets do not evolve over a period of time
D)psychological, situational, and social factors are as responsible for sales increases as are promotional efforts
E)sales response models are unreliable
You have been asked to explain the approaches used to set a communications budget. Which of the following statements would you most likely use in your explanation?
A)A company would be making a serious mistake if it tried to use more than one budgeting method at a time.
B)Top management has no input into the process of establishing the budget, except final approval.
C)The two types of budgeting approaches are the trading up and trading down method.
D)The budgeting approaches used vary according to the size and sophistication of the organization.
E)The most important factor for a marketing manager to consider when setting a budget is volume share projections.
The Chocolate Garden is a small candy manufacturer of truffles. It sells its candy though mail-order and at its Web site. Last year, the owner of the company Tina Brooks considered what her objectives were for the upcoming year. After setting her objectives, she began working on her budget. She anticipated her company making $90,000 in sales next year so she budgeted $50,000 for fixed expenses, $35,000 for variable expenses, and the rest for promotion. Which top-down budgeting approach did Brooks use?
A)the affordable method
B)percentage-of sales-method
C)objective and task method
D)competitive parity method
E)payout planning method
Which of the following methods for establishing promotional budgets is based on the collective wisdom of the industry in which the organization operates?
A)payout planning
B)competitive parity
D)objective and task
E)marginal analysis
Which of the following methods for setting budgets is most appropriate for the introduction of a new product?
A)payout planning
B)the affordable method
C)percentage-of-sales method
D)objective and task
E)marginal analysis

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