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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Those factors particular to a time and place that do not follow from a knowledge of personal and stimulus attributes and that have a demonstrable and systematic effect on current behavior are called:
A)Internal influence
B)Situational influence
C)External influence
D)Predispositional influence
E)None of the Above

Communication, purchase, use, and disposition are all types or categories of:
A)Consumer activities
B)Situational characteristics
D)Marketing activities
E)None of the Above

The dispositional situation relates to a consumers:
A)How consumers dispose of a product
B)The mood of the consumer at time of purchase
C)The mood of the consumer at time of use
D)The mood of the consumer during communications
E)None of the Above

Situations characteristics that involve the atmosphere and servicescape are all part of:
A)Temporal perspectives
B)Social surroundings
C)Antecedent states
D)Physical features
E)None of the Above

When the consumption situation involves a service business, the atmosphere is referred to as:
C)Store atmosphere
E)None of the Above

The manipulation of merchandise configurations within a retail outlet is considered an element of:
A)Navigational directory
B)Physical surroundings
C)Experiential navigation
D)Store atmosphere
E)None of the Above

The reason the consumption activity is occurring is called the:
A)Antecedent state
B)Consumption mission
C)Motivational tendency
D)Task definition
E)None of the Above

The situational characteristic in which other individuals are present falls under the:
A)Market mavens
B)Reference group
C)Support group
D)Social surroundings
E)None of the Above

Gift giving is based on which of these situational characteristics?
A)Task definition
B)Antecedent states
C)Momentary conditions
D)Temporal perspectives
E)None of the Above

Retailers that cater to individuals who either are in a hurry or who want to make a purchase after regular shopping hours are capitalizing on the situational characteristic that deals with:
A)Location features
B)Convenience perspective
C)Temporal perspective
D)Antecedent states
E)None of the Above

The situational characteristic that incorporates momentary moods or conditions is:
A)Emotional arousal
B)Antecedent states
C)Motivational condition
D)Transient behavior
E)None of the Above

A situation in which a set of interrelated behaviors that occur in a structured format, that have symbolic meaning, and that occur in response to socially defined occasions falls under the category of a:
A)Ritual situation
B)Temporal state
C)Antecedent state
D)Reoccurring situation
E)None of the Above

An analysis of the use situation of individuals can be used to:
A)Position a product
B)Develop product lines
C)Create brand extensions
D)Develop appropriate advertising strategies
E)All of the above

How do moods differ from momentary conditions?
A)Moods are consistent, whereas momentary conditions are volatile
B)Moods reflect states, whereas momentary conditions reflect temporary states of being
C)Moods influence behavior, whereas momentary conditions influence feelings
D)Moods are antecedent states, whereas momentary conditions fall under temporal perspectives
E)None of the Above

Which of the following statement is true?
A)The Internet is absent of physical surroundings
B)Personal characteristics are as much momentary conditions as they are traits
C)Not all purchase and consumption activities are effected by situational variables
D)Situational variables may interact with object or personal characteristics
E)None of the Above

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