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Internet Exercises
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Chapter 15 Internet Exercises

  1. Find and describe a magazine ad that is particularly effective at causing readers to consult a website. Why is it effective?
  2. Use the Internet to find information on (i) the appropriate evaluative criteria, (ii) the available alternatives, and (iii) the performance characteristics of the products listed below. Describe your results. What do you conclude?

    a. Cosmetics
    b. Vitamins
    c. Digital cameras
    d. Dogs
  3. Visit the websites of three firms in each of the product categories listed below. Report on the quality of the information provided at each site. What general suggestions do you have?

    a. Hiking shoes
    b. Lipstick
    c. Notebook computers
    d. DVD players
    e. Sunglasses
    f. Charities focused on poverty relief
  4. Describe three Internet shopping services.
  5. Use an Internet shopping service such as to determine the “best buy” for a product that interests you. Evaluate this process. How could it be improved? If you were actually going to make the purchase, would you buy this one or would you purchase elsewhere? Why?
  6. Visit,, or a similar site. Examine the product reviews provided by other customers. How useful do you think these are? What could make them more useful?
  7. Compare the site with the site. How are they similar?

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