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Research Tasks
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  1. Interview three individuals employed within the research and development (R&D) departments of large, well-established companies. From the interview, gain an understanding of what the company does to foster intrapreneurship, what it does that inhibits intrapreneurship, and what it could be doing better toward further enhancing entrepreneurship throughout the whole organization.
  2. Search on the Internet for four accounts of intrapreneurial success. What key factors for success are common across all these accounts? Which are unique? If one company can foster an intrapreneurial climate, what stops another company from copying its process and taking away the initial advantage?
  3. Interview three people—one person whom you believe to be a traditional manager, one you believe to be an entrepreneur, and one you believe to be an intrapreneur. Ask each questions about their primary motives, time orientation, activities, risk, status, failure/mistakes, decisions, who serves, family history, and relationships with others. How closely does the information that you have collected relate to that proposed in Table 2.3?

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