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coalition  Temporary groupings of people who actively pursue a single issue.
(See page(s) 216)
coercive power  Obtaining compliance through threatened or actual punishment.
(See page(s) 210)
delegation  Granting decision-making authority to people at lower levels.
(See page(s) 212)
empowerment  Sharing varying degrees of power with lower-level employees to better serve the customer.
(See page(s) 212)
expert power  Obtaining compliance through one's knowledge or information.
(See page(s) 210)
impression management  Getting others to see us in a certain manner.
(See page(s) 217)
legitimate power  Obtaining compliance through formal authority.
(See page(s) 210)
organizational politics  Intentional enhancement of self-interest.
(See page(s) 214)
personalized power  Directed at helping oneself.
(See page(s) 209)
power  Ability to get things done with human, informational, and material resources.
(See page(s) 209)
reciprocity  Widespread belief that people should be paid back for their positive and negative acts.
(See page(s) 209)
referent power  Obtaining compliance through charisma or personal attraction.
(See page(s) 210)
reward power  Obtaining compliance with promised or actual rewards.
(See page(s) 210)
socialized power  Directed at helping others.
(See page(s) 209)

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