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Child and Adolescent Development for Educators, 2/e
Judith Meece, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Student Study Guide by Nancy Defrates-Densch

Children with Exceptional Learning Needs

Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Identify by name and describe the federal legislation that mandates integration of students with special needs into the general classroom.

Discuss the negative effects of labeling and give examples of "person-first" language.

Give a description of each of the high, moderate, and low prevalence categories of disability and explain the extent of general class participation students from each of the different categories can be expected to have.

Outline the five-step referral process for accessing special education services and describe the classroom teacher's role at each step.

Identify eight principles that characterize the teaching style of competent teachers.

Describe teacher-directed learning activities and give examples of classroom accommodations the classroom teacher can make targeting specific student problems.

Describe peer-directed and self-directed learning activities that can be used with students with exceptionalities.

Identify school based and external resources classroom teachers can access for support and information regarding students with exceptionalities.