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Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today's Classrooms
Pamela Farris, Northern Illinois University
Carol Fuhler, Iowa State University
Maria Walther

Organizing the Classroom Environment

Multiple Choice


The International Reading Association recommends that a classroom library contain at least how many books per child?

One rule of thumb for teachers wishing to engage in small-group lessons such as guided reading is
A)the other students must be engaged in meaningful literacy at the same time.
B)the other students must be engaged in an independent activity such as worksheets.
C)the other students must be allowed to quietly observe the lesson.
D)the other students must be observed by the classroom aide.

Guidelines for students using computer centers include all but which of the following?
A)length of time allowed
B)requirement to spend time silently writing
C)who is in charge of the mouse
D)when to print

Which, according to Allington and Cunningham (2002), are the three factors that affect students' success in school?
A)poverty, age, and parents' education
B)gender, race, and poverty
C)parents' education, poverty, and gender
D)age, poverty, and race

The majority of students with visual impairments are
A)not blind, but have limited ability to see.
C)also mentally impaired.
D)also behavior disordered.

Two of the most common speech problems for students with communicative disorders are
A)aphasia and articulation.
B)aphasia and cleft palate.
C)cleft palate and stuttering.
D)articulation and stuttering.

The two main categories of attention deficit are
A)physical and mental hyperactivity.
B)inattention and impulsivity.
C)inattention and hyperactivity.
D)physical and emotional impulsivity.

Which of the following statements is NOT one of Putney, Wu, and Wink's ten recommendations for working with second language learners?
A)Students should be discouraged from speaking in their native language.
B)Students should be encouraged to share and write about their families and traditions.
C)Students should be encouraged to learn in their primary language.
D)Teachers should post assignments in multiple languages around the room.

Which of the following are key principles of classroom management?
A)reliable routine and 12 key rules
B)clear expectations and 12 key rules
C)reliable routine and clear expectations
D)none of the above

When designing instruction for second language learners,
A)establish routines and structure.
B)use direct instruction.
C)read to the student as often as possible.
D)all of the above.

A 1996 national teacher survey found that what percent of the respondents favored increasing use of technology to improve education?

Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of technology integrated into the curriculum as identified by the Apple Classroom of Tomorrow research project?
A)Students are able to work more independently and rely less on cooperative learning.
B)Students are encouraged to work together.
C)Students take responsibility for their own learning.
D)Students' behaviors improve.

Thursday folders go home on Thursday instead of Friday to
A)give parents opportunities to reward or punish their children on the weekend.
B)avoid the loss of folders over the weekend.
C)give teachers opportunities to reward or punish students for completing/not completing all work by Friday.
D)give students a chance to catch up before the weekend.

When writing narrative comments on report cards, teachers should do all but which of the following?
A)Begin with a positive comment.
B)Record observable behavior.
C)Avoid suggesting things for the parent to try at home.
D)Address academic and social areas.

When setting up the physical environment of your classroom, begin by assessing
A)your students.
B)your space and materials.
C)your budget.
D)your time.

Which of the following is least likely to occur in the classroom poetry center?
A)Children write their own poetry.
B)Children quietly read poetry.
C)Children memorize poems to recite to the class.
D)Children reread and interact with poetry.