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Internet Activities
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LUMEN Structure of the Human Body Home Page
This anatomy site maintained by Loyola University School of Medicine provides the user with a wealth of information about the human body. Follow the interface and investigate cardiac histology and the circulatory system.
Question: A. What are intercalated discs?
B. What is the function of intercalated discs?
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Medical Imaging: Cardiac Images
Images of the circulatory system were acquired from the Toshiba biplane cardiac catheterization system at this site.
Question: On a piece of paper, list and describe several images available at this site.
B. How can this site help an anatomy student?
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COHIS: Cardiovascular Diseases: Main Menu
A.K. Gupta at Boston University Medical Center has developed this extensive site about the heart.
Question: A. Describe several topics discussed at this site.
B. Evaluate the 3D images of the heart used at this site.
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The Structure of the Human Heart
Explore the structure of the human heart at this site.
Question: Why can you feel your heart beating better on your left side?
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Heart Attack
This extensive site discusses information about heart attacks.
Question: Describe several treatments of heart attacks.
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