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Multiple Choice Quiz II
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A study that examines the accuracy of public clocks in different countries as a measure of people’s concern for time is using the unobtrusive measure known as
A)archival records.
B)physical traces.
C)content analysis.
D)running records.

One of the major advantages of using data found in records and documents is that these data are most likely to be

Researchers who use archival records can face a potential problem when portions of the record are missing or incomplete. This potential problem can arise from either selective deposit or
A)archival attrition.
B)archival distortion.
C)selective bias.
D)selective survival.

Respondent mortality in survey research corresponds most closely to which of the following problems in the use of archival records?
A)selective deposit
B)selective survival
C)natural use
D)spurious relationship

An investigator who tries to show that the frequency of traffic accidents increases when it is warmer needs to consider whether there are more cars on the road when it is warmer. The number of cars variable needs checking to ensure that the relationship between traffic accidents and temperature is not a(n)
A)contaminated relationship.
B)mediated relationship.
C)spurious relationship.
D)redundant relationship.

A naturally occurring event that has significant impact on society or individuals is referred to as a
A)physical event.
B)archival event.
C)natural treatment.
D)controlled treatment.

Researchers who examine bumper stickers on cars to test hypotheses about people’s attitudes are using a ________ measure.
B)controlled use
C)physical product

Archival data are useful for testing whether findings in a laboratory can be used to describe what occurs in natural settings. This is referred to as
A)external validity of the findings.
B)internal validity of the findings.
C)spurious relationship between the findings.
D)natural treatments in the findings.

An important feature of coding data in archival records is that the observer (i.e., the coder) should
A)know the study hypotheses.
B)be familiar with surrounding context of the data being coded.
C)know the source of the data or messages that are being coded.
D)be blind to important aspects of the study.

A researcher seeks to discover whether students on a college campus are “health conscious” by examining the types of beverage containers in recycling bins. This is an example of a(n)
A)archival record.
B)controlled use trace.
C)natural use trace.
D)product trace.

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