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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University

Data Collection in Qualitative Research

Learning Objectives

Studying this chapter should enable you to:

Explain what is meant by the term"observational research."

Describe at least four different roles an observer can take in a qualitative study.

Explain what is meant by the term "participant observation."

Explain what is meant by the term "nonparticipant observation" and describe two different forms of nonparticipant observation studies that educational researchers conduct.

Explain what is meant by the term "naturalistic observation."

Describe what a simulation is, and how it might be used by a researcher.

Give one example of a coding scheme that might be used in observational research.

Describe what is meant by the term "observer effect."

Explain what is meant by the term "observer bias."

Describe the type of sampling that occurs in observational studies.

Describe briefly four types of interviews qualitative researchers use.

Explain what a "key actor" is.

Give an example of at least six types of interview questions.

List at least three expectations that exist for all interviews.

Describe at least five techniques good interviewers use.

Explain what a focus group interview is.

Describe briefly why an informed consent form is needed in observational research.

Give at least four procedures qualitative researchers use to check on or enhance validity and reliability in qualitative studies.