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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University


Problem Sheet

Problem Sheet 6: Sampling Plan

  1. My intended sample (subjects who would participate in my study) consists of (tell who and how many): ___________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________________

  3. Demographics (characteristics of the sample) are as follows:
    1. Age range ____________________
    2. Sex distribution ____________________
    3. Ethnic breakdown ____________________
    4. Location (where are these subjects?) ____________________
    5. Other characteristics not mentioned above that you deem important (use a sheet of paper if you need more space) _________________________________________
    6. __________________________________________________________________



  1. Type of sample: simple random _____ stratified random _____
  2. cluster random _____ two-stage random _____ convenience _____

    purposive _____

  3. I will obtain my sample by: ______________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________


  5. External validity (I will generalize to the following population):
    1. To what accessible population? ________________________________________
    2. To what target population? ___________________________________________
    3. If not generalizable, why not? _________________________________________
  1. Ecological validity (I will generalize to the following settings/conditions):
    1. Generalizable to what setting(s)? _______________________________________
    2. Generalizable to what condition(s)? ____________________________________
    3. If not generalizable, why not? _________________________________________



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