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Animation Quiz 6 - Polymerase Chain Reaction
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Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.

The purpose of PCR is to
A)make more copies of DNA primers to increase protein synthesis
B)make many copies of an organism’s DNA sequence so a small number of organisms will become large enough to be identified
C)make more RNA so large units of protein can be synthesized
D)recycle DNA using thermocyclers
For DNA amplification to occur, which of the following are needed?
A)loose ribonucleotides
B)RNA primers
C)thermostable DNA polymerase
D)b and c
E)all of the above
Taq polymerase starts copying at
A)the end of free single-stranded RNA
B)any open point
C)RNA primers attached to the end of the desired gene
D)DNA primers attached to the end of the desired gene
Using PCR, over 1 million copies of DNA can be made from a single strand of DNA overnight.
When DNA is heated, primers anneal to DNA strands.

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