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Another Point of View
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Some Criticisms of Tannen's Work

Seems to be based on anecdotes.

Seems to overgeneralize.

Seems to consider only white middle class women and men.

Seems to focus on heterosexual women and men.

Sees problems in relationships between men and women as based in difference and not dominance.

Seems to ignore political and economic differences between men and women.

Relies on individuals' intentions ("He didn't intend to dominate") rather than on facts and also others' interpretations.

Tries to separate dominance and gendered culture.

Doesn't explain why men and women have these different styles.

Source: "Language and Gender." University of Colorado, 1998. Retrieved July 27, 2002, from http://www.colorado. edu/linguistics/sp98/2400/tannen.hyp.


To what extent does criticism of an author automatically convey truth? How difficult would it be to verify the criticisms above?

Does criticism of a work nullify the value of or findings in that work? To what extent do sales of a work or the effect of a work mitigate (cause to become less harsh or harmful) criticism of that work?

If you were the author of a work and received criticism of that work, how would you go about addressing that criticism?

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