Computing Essentials 2005
Information Center
Table of Contents
About the Authors
From The Author
Feature Summary
Instructor Resources
Digital Solutions
IT Supersite
Making IT Work Video S...

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Computing Essentials 2005, 16/e

Timothy J O'Leary
Linda I O'Leary

ISBN: 0072836075
Copyright year: 2005


The Online Learning Center is a web resource that provides pedagogical features and supplemental material designed to enhance and reinforce comprehension of the Information Technology topics found in the text. The Online Learning Center (OLC) is a website that follows the text chapter-by-chapter. OLC content is ancillary and supplementary germane to the textbook, as students read the book, they can go online to take self-grading quizzes, review material, or work through interactive exercises. OLCs can be delivered multiple ways – professors and students can access them directly through the textbook website, through PageOut, or within a course management system (i.e. WebCT, Blackboard, TopClass, or eCollege.)
Computing Essentials 2005

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.