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Three-year-old Juan has entered an early childhood education program for the first time. Juan's teacher, Amita, is trying to determine Juan's needs. During the family's intake interview, Amita tries to assess their values as related to independence and interdependence. With which body of knowledge regarding children's needs is Amita concerned?
A)program ideals and goals
B)individual differences
C)developmental ages and stages
D)cultural influences

Culture affects which aspect of child rearing?
A)child-rearing practices
B)beliefs about what children can and should do
C)parental goals and values
D)all of the above

In a study reported in the text, child-rearing values of mothers from San Francisco and from Tokyo were compared. What were the results?
A)American mothers placed more emphasis on verbal assertiveness, while Japanese mothers placed more emphasis on emotional control.
B)Japanese mothers placed more emphasis on verbal assertiveness, while American mothers placed more emphasis on emotional control.
C)Both American and Japanese mothers placed more emphasis on verbal assertiveness than on emotional control.
D)Both Japanese and American mothers placed more emphasis on emotional control than on verbal assertiveness.

All but which of the following describe the age group "young infants"?
A)babies who are not yet mobile
B)characterized by slow development
C)not yet able to care for their own needs
D)ranging in age from newborn to between five and eleven months

In a visit with new parents, pediatrician Ann Wong always explains that development occurs from "head to toe." Which principle of development is Dr. Wong teaching her clients?

If Javan's development matches that of the average 3- to 4-month-old, his parents can expect that Javan will accomplish all but which of the following developmental milestones?
A)reaching for and closing on a dangling ring
B)playing patty-cake
C)grasping objects with his palms
D)fingering his hands in play

Which are forms of infant mobility?
D)all of the above

Infant Fillippa has recently mastered the ability to stand by herself. Generalizing from the developmental milestones for mobile infants, what age is Fillippa likely to be?
A)14.6 months
B)8.6 months
C)11.0 months
D)7.3 months

The development of object permanence is a characteristic of cognitive development in which age group?
B)mobile infants
C)young infants

All but which of the following are typical aspects of cognitive development for mobile infants?
A)They develop the ability to fantasize and role play, using symbols and images to understand their world.
B)They can solve problems involving the manipulation of objects in their environment.
C)They develop the ability to understand that things still exist when they are out of sight.
D)They become interested in discovering the consequences of their actions.

Of the following toddlers at First Methodist Preschool, all but which are using their fine motor skills?
A)Ahmed is stringing several large beads.
B)Betty is stacking some blocks.
C)Clay is using a spoon to scoop up Cheerios.
D)Dawn is sliding down a plastic slide.

Thomas and Carrie-Anne are taking a parenting class on "Terrific Twos." Their instructor should include which description of 2-year-old development?
A)Two-year-olds have little interest in their bodies, so they have to be encouraged to develop a curiosity in the body's functions in preparation for toilet learning.
B)Normally developing 2-year-olds can be expected to share. They should be punished when they act selfishly.
C)Two-year-olds are able to play with other children, and they are not often interested in parallel play.
D)Two-year-olds have a growing sense of autonomy, and they like to assert themselves.

Which of the following is a typical accomplishment of 3-year-old children?
A)work 25-piece puzzles
B)use scissors to snip
C)button and zip their clothes
D)ride a small two-wheeled bike

Most 4-year-olds can _______.
A)read and write.
B)be expected to move beyond play as a way of learning.
C)retell a story and remember the words to a song.
D)none of the above.

Erik, a 7-year-old in the concrete operations stage of cognitive development, can be expected to have which of the following abilities?
A)using symbolic representations in play, as well as in reading and writing
B)taking into account the effect of several variables at once
C)understanding abstract concepts
D)using sophisticated reasoning for problem-solving

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