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Arguing among school-age children _______.
A)should never be allowed.
B)is a bad sign.
C)is expected and has positive aspects.
D)is atypical behavior for this age group.

All but which of the following are tips for dealing with a child who lies?
A)When a child has done something wrong, give her/him a chance to admit it by asking, "Who did this?"
B)Model honesty by always being truthful with the child.
C)Understand that lying is a normal part of development for young children.
D)Encourage the child to share his/her perceptions with the disagreeing party.

When 3-year-old Ben bites other children in his preschool class, his mother suggests that the teacher spank him. The teacher is not allowed to do that, but if she could spank, what is the lesson that the teacher might be modeling for Ben?
A)It's never okay to hurt anybody.
B)It's not okay for little people to hurt anybody, but it is okay for big people.
C)Biting and hitting are bad behaviors.
D)None of the above.

Regarding the "teachable moment," which of the following statements is false?
A)The teachable moment occurs immediately after misbehaving or making a mistake.
B)Punishment encourages children to focus on the teachable moment.
C)During the teachable moment, it is important that children remain calm and receptive.
D)The teachable moment is a time in which children can understand the consequences of their behavior and accept feedback.

All but which of the following are problems with teaching children to obey through physical punishment?
A)Children who are always obedient may switch to obeying peer pressure rather than parents when they reach adolescents and encounter peer pressure.
B)Children who are taught obedience and conformity are less likely to develop good critical thinking skills.
C)These methods are a form of child abuse, and adults who use them are breaking the law.
D)These methods teach children that using force is an acceptable way to solve problems.

Child abuse can be an outcome of which side effect of punishment?
A)children can become immune to punishment so the parent has to use more each time
B)punishment can erode the relationship between adult and child
C)children can learn aggression from punishment
D)some forms of punishment hurt self-esteem

Four-year-old Carlos is unable to control his behavior during "circle time." His teacher removes Carlos to another part of the room. Which guidance method is the teacher using?
B)limit setting
C)modeling prosocial behavior

When using time-out, an adult should
A)make the child feel bad about himself or herself.
B)make sure the child understands that the time-out is a punishment.
C)understand that the purpose for this time period is to provide a chance for the child to get her/his behavior under control.
D)all of the above.

The cultural practice of "shunning" is most similar to the misuse of which guidance technique?
D)teaching children to express feelings

All but which of the following are examples of an adult creating a physical limit?
A)Andrea says to her child, "Remember what I told you about staying out of the street."
B)Bethany puts a drawer lock on the drawer that contains scissors and staples.
C)Carlita places a protective covering over unused electrical outlets.
D)Debra positions a gate at the top of a stairway.

When 4-year-old Bessie cannot get the Legos apart, she gets angry and begins banging them repeatedly on the floor. Bessie's teacher responds, "Bessie, I can see you are upset. I wonder if there's another way you can get those blocks apart without banging them?" Which guidance method is Bessie's teacher using?
A)modeling prosocial behavior
C)setting limits
D)teaching the expression of feeling

Four-year-old Raveena has been going to the same child care center since she was 3 months old. Because she has already explored everything in the center, Raveena has begun creating diversions in order to entertain herself. This is an example of which influence on behavior?
A)basic needs not being met
B)being rewarded for misbehavior
C)a mismatch between needs and environment
D)a response to feeling powerless

A system of retraining a child's undesirable actions is called
A)behavior modification.
D)limit setting.

Emily teaches a 2-year-old preschool class, where many of the children bite. Emily purchased a set of hand puppets and encourages the children to use the puppets to "bite" in a way that won't hurt other children. Which approach to the biting problem is Emily using?
A)teaching the children how to defend themselves
B)helping the children feel powerful by giving them choices
C)being vigilant
D)helping children find more acceptable ways to act out aggression

Which term best describes the role of the adult in providing guidance to children?

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