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Internet Exercises
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1. Teaching Through Technology in the Inclusion Classroom

This WebQuest leads teachers through a step by step process to make teaching though technology in an inclusion environment manageable for educators and exciting for studentsóthose with and without disabilities!

2. Mainstreaming Exceptional Students into Technology Classrooms

After reading this article, compose a list of ideas for mainstreaming exceptional students into technology classrooms.

3. Special Education Students Using Technology

The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) was funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, to promote the effective use of technology for students with sensory, cognitive, physical, and social/emotional disabilities. Visit this site to see video profiles of students using assistive and instructional technologies, and to tour two classrooms.

4. Assistive/Adaptive Technology for Students with Disabilities

Read an article about assistive/adaptive technology and write a summary of the article.
  1. Assistive Technology Guide:

  2. Assistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities:

  3. Assistive Technology for Children with Autism:

  4. 10 Tips for Software Selection for Math Instruction:

  5. Computers and People with Disabilities:

  6. Designing Software That Is Accessible to Individuals with Disabilities:

  7. Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication:

  8. World Wide Web Accessibility to People with Disabilities: A Usability Perspective:

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