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Special Education Sites
What follows is an annotated list of Internet sites for special education. These sites include information about hardware, tutorials, software, lesson plans, activities, and tips.'s Special Education Resources
This site is an encyclopedia of resources that covers topics such as adaptive P.E., autism, deafness, inclusion, interventions, gifted education, and special schools.

The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre from the University of Toronto
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre provides descriptions of adaptive technologies with links to various products and their vendors.

The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC)
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre supports access to information technology by people with disabilities.

American Sign Language Browser
This site presents hundreds of ASL signs using QuickTime movies.

American Sign Language Finger Spelling
At this site, see any word you input signed and easily learn the ASL alphabet. Take the interactive quiz to learn how well you're doing.

Arc Home Page
Arc Home Page describes the nation's largest voluntary organization committed to the welfare of children and adults with mental retardation and their families. The site offers many articles, especially with regard to advocacy, and related links.

The Catalyst is a quarterly newsletter on microcomputers and related technology for children and adults with any disability. It focuses mainly on special education and rehabilitation.

Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement
This site contains information about early literacy acquisition and effective strategies for teaching reading. CIERA publications offer solutions to persistent problems in learning and teaching beginning reading.

Children with Disabilities
This site offers information about advocacy, education, employment, health, housing, recreation, technical assistance, and transportation covering a wide array of developmental, physical, and emotional disabilities.

Closing the Gap
This site, owned and operated by Budd and Dolores Hagen, is a goldmine of information on latest computer-related products available for people with special needs. It contains lots of tips on software and hardware for assistive technology. You can access many of its features without being a member.

Council of Exceptional Children
The Council of Exceptional Children's site contains publications, products, discussions and forums, a legislative action center, and links. There is a link to Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education ( Eric has a searchable database and is rich in resources and links.
This comprehensive U.S. site provides one-stop online access to disability resources, services, and information available throughout the federal government. Topics range from children and youth to tax credits and deductions.

Disability Resources, Inc.
Disability Resources is a nonprofit organization that publishes the online Disability Resources Monthly (DRM). The site includes the DRM WebWatcher, an easy-to-use guide to WWW resources, and Librarians' Connections, providing information about listservs, professional associations, and assistive technology to librarians who serve people with disabilities.

Education World: Special Education
This site contains lesson plans, information, and tools for the special education community including a special section for parents and teachers.

HandSpeak: A Sign Language Dictionary Online
HandSpeak is an animated dictionary of sign language. The signs are grouped alphabetically and by categories. A new sign is added daily. It is a great introduction to sign language, a review of vocabulary for the deaf, a quick tutorial for parents or teachers of deaf children, or just fun for anyone interested in the topic.

LD Online
LD Online, a service of WETS PBS station, is an interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and kids.

Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD): Teacher Resources on the World Wide Web
This Macomb County school district in Clinton Township, southeastern MI provides a good collection of sites for assistive technology, curriculum planning, and other special education topics.

The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
Developed by the National Information and Referral Center, this site provides information on issues and concerns related to disabilities for families and professionals. The focus of the information is on children and young adults.

National Institute for Urban School Improvement
The National Institute for Urban School Improvement, hosted by the University of Colorado at Denver, helps you stay abreast of new developments in urban education and inclusive schooling. Check out the Library for a searchable database that bridges the gap between research and practice in the overlapping fields of urban education and inclusive schooling. It is updated monthly featuring over 425 annotated references to books, journal articles, videos, position papers, project reports, and a variety of other media.

Office of Special Education
This site from the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia contains Web-based collections of resources designed to serve parents, professionals, and others interested in special education.

Special Education Resources
TeachersFirst's E-Ready special education resource section provides a wealth of information on special education, specially targeted to the regular classroom teacher or those who may be working in special education for the first time. Included are collections of lessons adapted or created for special education students. There is also a complete section for parents.

The Parent–Educator Connection
This site provides information to families and educators of students and young adults with disabilities. The site has a wide variety of resources. Click on Disability Resources ( and you will find numerous links.

Parenting Special Needs
This site provides information covering assistive technology, learning and mental disabilities, muscular dystrophy diseases, and other special education topics. - A Parent's Guide to Helping Kids with Learning Differences provides a roadmap to understanding learning differences and disabilities with over 200 pages covering everything from curriculum planning to family/social issues.

SCR*Tech www 4 teachers
SCR*Tech is rich with content that includes online journals, Internet technology lessons, special education links, a technology glossary, technology lessons, tutorials, assistive technology links, and portfolio assessment information. Click on Assistive Technology, where you will learn more about assistive technology and how to locate assistive devices, find funding, and do much more.

Secondary School Special Education Resources provides a resource center for secondary teachers covering everything from ADD to IEPs to visual impairment.

Silent Thunder Animations Page
Learn some common words in sign language at this animated site.

Special Education at the University of Kansas
The Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas provides a variety of Internet resources on disabilities and special education research projects, including 37 thematic units developed by elementary teachers.

Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI)
SERI is a collection of special education resources including information about general disabilities, legal and law issues, physical and health disorders, and learning disabilities.

Special Needs Education Network (SNE)
This site offers projects to aid parents and teachers of children with special needs as disparate as attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism, blindness, deafness, fetal alcohol syndrome, and many others. It is an invaluable "List of Lists" for links to services to aid these children, and it includes an SNEparentalk-L mailing list for you to discuss topics in the area of special needs education.

This site, created by a K-3 cognitive disabilities teacher at Mosinee Elementary School in Wisconson, provides resources for those interested in special education issues.

Teaching Ideas for Early Childhood Special Educators
"Linda's teaching ideas" is a collection of teaching ideas for early childhood special education, which range from making butter to a great recipe for play dough. There are numerous creative and fun ideas as well as a collection of worthwhile links.

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
This site includes an assortment of resources and instructional materials such as assessment resources for vision and hearing, instructional resources, adaptive technology resources, downloadable Braille materials, and information about eye diseases.

Yahoo! Directory: Special Education
Resources indexed by the Yahoo service.

Web Sites Referenced in the Chapter

Read Please

University of Toronto’s Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC)

Clicker 4


IDEA 1997

National Association for Gifted Children

The American Civil War Homepage

Computer Education for TeacherOnline Learning Center

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