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If an instructor has one computer in the classroom, the instructor should:
A)Select software according to students' needs.
B)Encourage group participation.
C)Integrate computer use into the curriculum.
D)All of the above

Problem-solving software helps improve:
A)Critical thinking skills.
B)Keyboarding skills.
C)Word processing skills.
D)Fine-motor skills.

If an instructor has one computer in the classroom, which one of the following pieces of equipment would be the most important for the instructor to have?
A)Portable computer cart
D)DVD player

Which of the following is not an important consideration when designing a computer lab?
A)The number of computers to be purchased
B)Instructor teaching style
C)Printer model
D)Room size

Which of the following is a drawback of a computer lab?
A)Teacher demonstrations are not possible.
B)The lab is accessible to all students and teachers
C)Technical staff is needed.
D)None of the above

A good way to ensure computer workstations are available whenever and wherever they are needed is to:
A)Use scheduling software for the computer lab.
B)Use a wireless mobile lab.
C)Put one computer in every classroom.
D)Put computers in the library.

A smart card can be used for all of the following, except:
A)Building access.
B)Network login.
C)Internet access.
D)Class registration

A desktop security program:
A)Requires a fingerprint scan for access.
B)Prevents unwanted deletions and unauthorized changes to the desktop.
C)Is not helpful in an education setting.
D)Protects against most viruses.

What is software piracy?
A)An educational game that uses pirates as a metaphor.
B)The use of licensed software on a network.
C)The illegal use and duplication of copyrighted software
D)Both B and C

The recommended distance that a student should sit from a monitor to avoid electromagnetic emissions is:
A)10–12 inches.
B)12–18 inches.
C)18–28 inches.
D)There is no recommended distance.

Research indicates that the value of using technology is inconclusive for:
A)Word processing.
B)Science simulations.
C)Students with learning disabilities.
D)Student attitude.

Distance learners have a better attitude than:
A)Home-schooled students.
B)Traditional classroom students.
C)Their teachers.
D)All of the above

Which of the following is not a reason that explains why men have a better attitude toward computers than women?
A)Most computer games are violent and appeal to men.
B)Magazines and newspapers show more men using computers than women.
C)Men are genetically predisposed to like computers more than women.
D)Teachers encourage boys to use computers more than girls.

Students perceive that computers have (a) _____ effect learning?
C)No effect
D)Positive, but only for writing

Unauthorized copying of software violates:
A)Federal copyright law.
B)Nothing, if it is for the good of the students.
C)The spirit of the law.
D)None of the above

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