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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

  1. Renaissance Art and Patronage
  2. The Early Renaissance
    1. The Revival of the Classical Nude
      1. Donatello
      2. Pollaiuolo
      3. Botticelli
    2. Early Renaissance Architecture
      1. revival of classical architecture: Brunelleschi
      2. Alberti
    3. The Renaissance Portrait
      1. desire to immortalize oneself
      2. desire to publish one's greatness
      3. Jan van Eyck
      4. Leonardo da Vinci
      5. life-sized sculptures in the round
    4. Early Renaissance Artist-Scientists
      1. window to the world
      2. linear perspective: Masaccio
      3. Leonardo da Vinci
  3. The High Renaissance
    1. painting: Leonardo and Raphael
    2. architecture: Bramante and Palladio
    3. Michelangelo and Heroic Idealism
    4. The High Renaissance in Venice
      1. painting in Venice
        1. Bellini
        2. Giorgione
        3. Titian
  4. The Music of the Renaissance
    1. Early Renaissance Music: Dufay
    2. High Renaissance Music: Josquin
    3. The Madrigal
    4. Instrumental Music of the Renaissance
    5. Renaissance Dance

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