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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The Postmodern is distinguished by a:
A)quest for a new world order
B)skepticism towards the concept of "progress"
C)rejection of information technology
D)rigidly defined sense of morality
Which of the following is not a product of the information age?
A)Distinctions between "high" and "popular" culture become unclear
B)The global community is interactive
C)Message is less important than medium
D)Primacy is given to the nuclear family
The way in which postmodern writers such as Calvino tend to parody or draw attention to the craft of writing is known as:
Allende's, "Two Words" is considered an example of "magic realism" because:
A)Belisa Crepusculario is a contemporary witch
B)it intertwines fantastical images with terse, straightforward narrative
C)the characters are saved from the harsh reality of their existence by dreamlike flights of fancy
D)it is set in an imaginary coastland
Oates' "Ace" is primarily concerned with depicting:
A)the harsh degradations of random violence
B)the mundane routine of the shooting of a gang member
C)the protagonist's fear and subjective experience
D)the moral quandaries of life on the streets
Why does Wilson see, "stewardship of the environment" as a universal concern?
A)Since, he argues, we are all God's creation, we all have the obligation to care for each other.
B)Biodiversity means that no one species is more important than any other.
C)No matter what we may believe, the future of our species is ultimately dependent upon the survival of as many other species as possible.
D)Humans have the unique ability to choose what is best for the planet.
Szymborska's "The Terrorist, He Watches":
A)is a call for global understanding
B)reflects the subjective experience of a suicide bomber before his death
C)emphasizes the random chance that defines modern terror
D)protests the marginalization of Muslim youth
How does Yolanda Lopez's representation of the Virgin typify ethnic identity in the age of the global paradigm?
A)She turns her into a cartoon.
B)She re-envisions the Virgin by drawing on her own ethnic identity and traditions as well as the contemporary world of which she is also a product.
C)She rejects the images of hegemonic American culture to embrace the traditional images and materials of her ancestors.
D)She rejects Christianity to embrace the Virgin as Earth Mother.
The term "postmodern" was first introduced in association with:

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