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Multiple Choice
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Until early in the 19th century, the concept of women having rights was obtuse. The world was a _____________ world.
C)patriarchal and matriarchal
D)neither of the above
The principle of gender equality refers to:
A)all females being treated equally
B)all males being treated equally
C)females should be treated the same as men
D)females should be treated the same as men unless special circumstances apply
To determine if sexual equality exists, we must answer the following:
A)Does biological equality exists?
B)Does cultural equality exist
C)Does social equality exist?
D)A and C
E)All of the above
The normative theory of equality states that:
A)all genders must be treated equally
B)all genders ought to be treated the same or similarly under similar conditions
C)all genders should not ever be treated equally
D)all genders cannot be treated equally under any circumstances
For those persons who favor women in combat, they argue all but one of the following:
A)it is a natural progression toward compete gender equality in society
B)qualified women can be brave
C)male soldiers would be protective
D)women want to serve their country
For those person who argue that women should not be in combat, argue all but one of the following:
A)having women in combat is uncivilized
B)without women in combat, the progression in officer advancement is discriminatory
C)women generally do not meet the physical qualifications for combat
D)women POWs are likely to be raped
The sufferage movement began in the United States as early as the 17th Century. It was not until _______that all women were given the right to vote.
The second wave of feminism began in 1963 as the result of the publication of Betty Friedan's book, The Feminine Mystique. This was closely followed by the Civil Rights Movement in 1964 which outlawed discrimination against minorities and women in:
B)in homes
D)A and C
E)none of the above
Other facets of feminism include all but ONE of the following:
A)classical feminism
B)radical feminism
C)conservative feminism
D)equity feminism
The primary argument of Simone de Beauvoir's work, The Second Sex is:
A)men are seen as typical human beings while women are atypical human beings
B)men are seen as atypical human beings while women are typical human beings
C)men are seen as always in control while women are seen as too sensitive and; therefore, out of control
D)none of the above

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