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Activity: Human vs. Person
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Directions: Using your text as directed, answer the following questions.

According to your text, what is the moral statement that has become part of the worldwide quest for justice?
Go to one or more of the following web sites: – the homepage for Amnesty International - the homepage of the United Human Rights Council - a Chinese embassy website that lists U.S. human rights violations – homepage of the American Civil Liberties Union; discusses issues that may be considered dehumanization that occur in the U.S.
List three (3) current human rights issues related to the dehumanization of people. Also list the geographic area/region where these human rights violations are taking place.
The text states that a good deal of policy making in our culture and others depends on how we define "human being". However, the term human being has expanded throughout history.
  1. The term human being in the Western world was expanded to include:
  2. During the Enlightenment, human being meant:
  3. In the 19th Century, the term was expanded to include:
According to your text, many social thinkers prefer the term "person" to "human being". Persons are considered moral agents. Look in your glossary and define the term "moral agent" below.
Why is the term "person" a normative concept?
Per your text, what does personhood imply?
What is the major social issue today that revolves around the definition of "person"?

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Home > Chapter 7 > Activity: Human vs. Person