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  1. Design a bio box for yourself. Consult the Joe Spooner profile on page 167 for ideas.

  2. Suppose you are designing an article on space flight and you want to include a list of famous expeditions. How would you format the list? Refer to the formats on pages 168 and 169.

  3. Of the types of charts and graphs displayed on pages 176 and 177, which would you use to present the following information?
    1. The different ways people spend their leisure time
    2. The relative fat content of different snack foods
    3. The fluctuations in the stock market over the course of a month

  4. Find a graphically complex spread in your local newspaper. Make a photocopy of the graphics package planner on page 188, and, to the best of your ability, fill it in as if you were planning the spread.

  5. Now use the planner to design your own graphics package, either an imaginary one (you can get ideas from the poster pages on page 186), or, if you are working on a design for your paper, a real one.

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