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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The following are tactics of conflict avoidance, except for:
A)denial and equivocation
B)topic management
C)noncommittal remarks
D)presumptive remarks

Competition as a conflict style can be advantageous when:
A)the relationship itself is unimportant to one person
B)one’s goal is to keep the other party from influencing him/her
C)it informs the other person of your degree of commitment to the issue
D)other styles have failed or are clearly unsuitable

Which of the following is not a characteristic of verbal aggressiveness, or abusive talk?
A)A. relational talk
B)vague language
D)content talk

The following are tenets of violence, except for:
A)Perpetrators and victims have discrepant narratives about violence.
B)Intimate violence is rarely reciprocal; usually the male is the perpetrator.
C)Physical aggression is almost always preceded by verbal aggression.
D)Victims of abuse are in a no-win situation.

Offering a quick, short-term solution is a tactic of:

The following are questions to diagnose a person’s being stuck in a rigid pattern of dealing with conflict, except for:
A)Do others continually do different things with you?
B)Do you have a set of responses that follow a preset pattern?
C)Does your conflict style remain constant across a number of conflicts that have similar characteristics?
D)Does your current response feel like the only natural one?

A tactic of collaboration that uses nonhostile questions about events related to conflict that cannot be observed by the other person (thoughts, feelings, intentions, etc.) is:
A)acceptance of responsibility
C)solicitation of disclosure
D)solicitation of criticism

Saying “I’m fine. I can stay late and work on this. You go on home” would best be seen as an illustration of which tactic of accommodation below?
A)giving up/giving in
C)denial of needs
D)expression of desire for harmony

The basic choice one must make about managing the conflict that comes up is:
A)whether to be assertive or cooperative
B)whether to avoid it or engage in it
C)whether to compete or accommodate
D)whether to compromise or stand firm for what you want

The following are limitations of research on conflict styles, except for:
A)The amount of avoidance that people actually use is over-reported.
B)Most studies are based on participants’ “perceptions” of their conflict styles.
C)Some studies show differences between the genders while others don’t.
D)The measures used are not process oriented.

Wilmot,InterpersonalConflict7eOnline Learning Center

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