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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The most successful quality circles and quality of working life programs are those that
A)exclude management's participation from the process thereby leaving workers relatively free to improve quality standards.
B)exclude union participation and only involve rank and file workers and line managers.
C)eventually broaden to involve work rules, collective bargaining issues, and production methods.
D)eventually separate QWL programs from interfering with work rules, collective bargaining issues, and production methods.
Events at Dayton Power show that increased worker and union participation in quality circles and quality of working life programs can lead to
A)changes in collective bargaining contracts which are linked to the changes in new managerial practices.
B)increased confusion among union leaders who no longer felt secure about the managerial practices.
C)increased confusion among management leaders who no longer feel secure sharing decision making powers with union leaders.
D)changes in managerial practices which are not linked to changes in collective bargaining contracts.
The tasks of facilitators in participatory programs include
A)acting as management representatives in the coordination of participatory programs.
B)acting as mediators in various joint steering committees in solving tensions that arise.
C)acting as legislative representatives, who bridge participation, work structuring, and collective bargaining.
D)acting as union watchdogs by warning management about the limits of participatory programs.
Case studies that have evaluated employee ownership plans reveal that
A)the majority of employees would no longer need union representation.
B)the collective bargaining process becomes less important within the organization.
C)the majority of blue–collar workers would rather allow management to solely handle traditional wage and fringe benefit issues.
D)the role of the union changes in that it becomes a quasi-partner in making some of the strategic decisions the union would not have made under its former status.
Research on participatory programs has shown that
A)QC types of QWL programs have huge positive effects on product quality.
B)conflict is eliminated throughout the evolution of participatory programs.
C)conflicts in ongoing collective bargaining can lead unions to withdraw their support for participation activities.
D)effects from participation can not be measured.

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