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Writing effective press releases is an important way that a company can become better known to its customers or potential customers. If you are responsible for preparing press releases, you should familiarize yourself with press release guidelines and the accepted formatting rules. Remember that your overall purpose is to entice the media into reporting about your company or organization to increase its visibility. Make your press releases new, different, exciting, and interesting to entice an editor to consider them newsworthy.

Producing a newsletter is another way to advertise your company or organization. When a recipient reads that first newsletter, he or she will decide if your newsletter is worth reading again. Your newsletter is competing for the reader’s time; therefore, you must offer reader’s information they believe will be beneficial. Follow the guidelines given for writing and designing effective newsletters to ensure that your newsletter will be read, kept, and used. Make certain you print correct information. Always emphasize how your reader will benefit by reading your newsletter.

Writing letters to lawmakers and other public officials gives you a voice in creating or changing laws as well as a resource for help in cutting through the red tape and bureaucracy of governmental agencies. A letter to the editor of a publication is a public forum for expressing your views about any issue.

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