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Self-Management Workbook
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Enhance Memory

Describe a situation in which you forgot some important information or someone’s name that you really wanted to remember. Work through the ABC method and incorporate the new strategies you have learned in this chapter, for example:

A=Actual event: “I just ran into my instructor and he called me by name. I could not for the life of me remember his name until after he walked away.”

B=Beliefs: “I am one of many students, but somehow he remembers my name. Why can’t I remember his? Will I freeze the same on tests when I need to remember much more difficult material?”

C=Challenge: “I hope he didn’t catch on. I need to do well in this class, and he is one of the key instructors in my major. I’m so embarrassed.”

“This makes me realize that I need to become more organized and focused on what is important. I know having a good memory is not an innate talent or ability, and that I can improve mine by trying some new strategies. For example, the next time I see Mr. Baker, I’ll remember my favorite food (donuts), and I’ll make a point to start the conversation by saying his name.”

“I’m energized because I know that applying even just a few little tricks will help me improve my retention. I know this is a powerful skill that will help me in school, at work, and in social situations.”

Practice the ABC Method of Self-Management

Complete Worksheet 7.1 in your text, or develop a related scenario using theABC Template (24.0K) such as describing a situation in which you forgot some important information or someone’s name that you really wanted to remember.

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