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Among Gloria Ladson-Billings's recommendations for culturally responsive teaching is
A)earlier identification of learning disability or special needs students in order to design an appropriate curriculum.
B)to have students actively challenge social injustices.
C)the expansion of the curriculum to take into account different definitions of intelligences.
D)a reduced focus on academic success in order to reduce competition and increase appreciation of other cultural attitudes.
Expectation theory teaches us that
A)certain students do poorly academically because of their cultural, linguistic, or social backgrounds.
B)certain students do poorly because their teachers do not think they will do well due to their racial or ethnic background.
C)academic problems are illusory.
D)certain groups of people have genetic differences.
A key difference that separates generalizations from stereotypes is that
A)generalizations make assumptions about people based on their membership in a group.
B)generalizations are rarely used in the classroom.
C)generalizations do not use stereotyping words like "many," "often," or "tend to."
D)generalizations recognize that people belong to many groups simultaneously.
The authors offer an acronym, DIVERSE, for help remembering some techniques for teaching in classrooms with diverse students. The "R" stands for reaction – what is the related teaching tip associated with this?
A)Often teacher feedback is given too quickly; each student deserves the teacher's specific, honest, precise, and timely comments.
B)Remember that many students will react poorly to being separated on the basis of gender, culture, or race.
C)Parents can react negatively to the knowledge that their children are being instructed in the backgrounds and perspectives of other cultures. Be sure to inform parents ahead of time of the design of your curriculum.
D)Take into account the reaction of the majority cultural or ethnic group students to a curriculum designed to include the views of minority ethnic or cultural groups.
Bilingual maintenance programs emphasize
A)teaching only in English so that students quickly acquire the new language.
B)using the native language as a bridge to English-language instruction.
C)keeping up proficiency in the native language while learning English.
D)maintaining the native language with English as a "linguistic option."
In Lau v. Nichols, the Supreme Court held that
A)maintenance programs are unconstitutional.
B)an Individualized Education Program must be written for bilingual students.
C)teaching students in a language they did not understand was not an appropriate education.
D)school districts cannot prevent gifted students from accelerating through grades.
Which of the following is a recommended approach to teaching a culturally diverse group of learners?
A)Help your students more easily fit into the American society by creating common and familiar American sounding names and nicknames for them.
B)Help Americanize your students by immersing them in American ways of learning in the classroom: Promote competition as a way to increase achievement; offer praise and criticism to familiarize them with American educational practices; and reinforce Western values and beliefs with a curriculum with readings from Western classics.
C)Recognize that generalizations about groups are destructive, and treat all students in the same way.
D)Build on individual learning styles: Give your students a learning style assessment (or observe them doing their work) and then adapt your instruction accordingly.
The immersion model for instructing ELLs
A)often uses lessons delivered in a "sheltered" or simplified English vocabulary.
B)often uses teachers that have no understanding of the students' native language.
C)is the only method of ELL instruction that can truly be considered bilingual.
D)has been shown to be more cognitively effective as sound bilingual programs.
A teacher who creates a unit on Puerto Rico is practicing which approach to multicultural education?
A)the contributions approach
B)the additive approach
C)the transformation approach
D)the social action approach
Which of the following is an example of a generalization?
A)Girls need information personalized in order to learn.
B)Asian Americans excel at mathematics.
C)Urban students score lower on standardized tests than suburban students.
D)Girls tend to enjoy reading more than boys.
Which of the following is NOT a tenet of culturally responsive teaching?
A)Students should develop and maintain cultural competence.
B)Students should actively challenge social injustice.
C)Students should acquire English skills through a language immersion program.
D)Students must experience academic success.
Which of the following is representative of the transformation approach in teaching strategies for multicultural classrooms?
A)Plan your teaching to include quiet students in classroom discussions.
B)Plan special lessons and units on different cultures.
C)Create lesson plans that include the study of ethnic heroes.
D)Teach your students to view events and issues from diverse ethnic and cultural perspectives.
Studies indicate that the students most vulnerable to stereotype threat
A)are the students who care most about their academic performance.
B)are the students who have the least home and family support of their studies.
C)are African American males.
D)are those from low-income families.
Cultural pluralism
A)argues that the proliferation of multiple, different cultures weakens the cultural cohesion of a nation.
B)recognizes that some groups, voluntarily or involuntarily, have maintained their culture and their language.
C)advocates government support for the teaching and maintenance of native languages and cultures.
D)is the primary philosophy of the English-only movement.
No Child Left Behind funds language programs that emphasize
A)bilingual education.
B)the preservation and instruction of native languages and culture alongside English instruction.
C)the maintenance approach to language instruction.
D)transition into English.

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