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future perfect tense  shows an action that will be completed by or before some specific time in the future. Ex.: I will have walked a thousand miles before I get there.
future tense  shows anticipated action. Ex.: Someday, I will graduate from college.
past perfect tense  used to show one action happening farther back in time than another past action. Ex.: Emily had hoped to catch the bus, but the taxi driver did not drive fast enough.
past tense  tells about actions occurring in the past that do not continue into the present. Ex.: Francisco ate all the tofu.
present perfect tense  discusses action begun in the past and finished at some indeterminate time or that continues into the present. Ex.: The rain has brought new life to the earth.
present tense  usually shows action happening now. Ex.: The worker writes a glossary entry.
progressive tense  verb tense using the -ing form of the verb, along with a form of the verb to be. Ex.: I am walking to another cubicle.

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