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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Recruiting and selecting salespeople is important because:
A)Competition for talented salespeople is fierce.
B)The direct costs of poor recruiting are high.
C)The indirect costs of poor recruiting are high.
D)All of the above.
In most organizations ___________ are primarily responsible for hiring new salespeople.
A)Experienced salespeople.
B)Vice-presidents for recruitment.
C)Corporate executives.
D)Field sales managers.
During the recruiting and selection stage of finding and attracting a pool of applicants, the goal is:
A)To find as many applicants as possible.
B)To find as many qualified applicants as possible.
C)To attract a few good applicants.
D)Hiring only relatives of current employees.
After establishing policies and determining who will be responsible for recruitment and selection:
A)A thorough job analysis should be conducted,
B)A job description needs to be written.
C)A statement of job qualifications needs to be written.
D)All of the above.
During the evaluation stage of recruitment and selection:
A)Application forms need to be created and evaluated
B)Interviews conducted and references must be checked.
C)Tests administered and evaluated.
D)All of the above.
A sales manager can use a job description to:
A)Guide recruiting efforts.
B)Determine training needs.
C)Serve as standards for evaluating performance.
D)All of the above.
Which of the following is typically included as part of a sales job description?
A)The nature of the product(s) to be sold.
B)The mental and physical demands.
C)The types of customers to be called on.
D)All of the above
Writing the job qualification statement that clearly states the educational and experience requirements for the sales position hopefully will:
A)Satisfy everyone on the hiring committee.
B)Discourage unqualified people from applying.
C)Avoid internal company conflicts.
D)Attract graduates from her college.
_______________ can be a good source of sales recruit referrals because they know what impresses them in salespeople who call on them.
A)Company salespeople
B)HR specialists.
C)Purchasing agents
D)Logistical support staff.
The advantage of using open ads for recruiting new salespeople is:
A)It will avoid any ethical questions concerning possible deception.
B)It will generate a more select pool of high-quality candidates.
C)It will reduce selection costs.
D)All of the above.

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