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Temas para explorar
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History and politics
1. They followed him through the driest desert in the world into a hostile land. Now that´s leadership! Who was Pedro de Valdivia? What was he doing in Chile? What happened to him in 1553?

2.¡Viva la independencia! Who were Bernardo O’Higgins and José de San Martín and why were they important for Chile? Can you think of any people who played similar roles in the history of your country or other Latin American countries?

3. When justice went missing. Chileans once enjoyed Latin America's longest tradition of political stability and civil liberty. But in 1973, this state of affairs changed. What happened? Who were Salvador Allende and Augusto Pinochet?

4. “Hey Mr. Pinochet, you´ve sown a bitter crop.” In 2001, the British rock singer, Sting, was given one of Chile's highest awards. What was this award and why did he receive this honor? Listen to the song for which he received the award. What is it about? Have you seen or heard of something similar in your country or in other Latin American countries?

5. Journey to the end of the world. A well-known water channel separates Tierra del Fuego from the South American mainland at the tip of Patagonia. The channel or strait is named after the first European to sail along the coast of Chile. Who was he? Where was he from? When did he do this? Why did he choose the name Tierra del Fuego?

6. One of the most isolated islands in the world. Where is Easter Island? How did it get its name? How did it become a part of Chile? What are the moai? What is the name of the people who inhabit the island?

7. Coffee, tea, or brandy? The «once» is an afternoon event when Chileans sit down to eat and drink. «Tomemos once», «te invito para la once» or «juntémonos a la hora de once» are common expressions among Chileans. What food or beverage is consumed? What is the origin of the custom and where did it get its name?
Art and Culture
8. Keep the monster happy! An extremely popular music festival takes place each year in Viña del Mar. What is the name of the festival? Why has the audience been referred to as El monstruo? When does it take place? What is Quinta Vergara?

9. Ever heard of a war over a name? What is pisco? Why is the name Pisco so important? Who is fighting with Chile over this name? Find a recipe for a pisco sour on the internet. Is this drink similar to anything with which you are familiar?

10. Chileans call their country país de poetas—country of poets. Who was the first Chilean to win the Nobel Prize in Literature? Why is this poet considered by many to be a feminist icon?

11. A tapestry of myth and realism. What is the title of Isabel Allende’s first novel? When was it published? How did she come to write it? Are you familiar with other novels by Allende?

12. Perhaps Chile's most important contribution to the American musical landscape is its role in spreading the nueva canción. When was this movement founded? Where did it find inspiration? What did the lyrics reflect? See if you can find and listen to examples of nueva cancion on the internet. Does it remind you of other music with which you are familiar from your country or Latin America?

13. Rebel Music! Who were Violeta Parra and Victor Jara? What were the principal messages of their songs? What happened to them?

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