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Video: Small Business in Action Discussion Questions
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Mom-preneurship: Stroller Strides
This video can be found on the Student DVD.

Summary: This NBC segment, as shown on your Student DVD, introduces Lisa Druxer, the founder of the company "Stroller Strides." Druxer is a new mother who left a fulltime career in fitness services to become a full-time mom. With her experience in the fitness industry, a new child, and plenty of time and energy, she found herself exercising while taking her daughter for a walk in the stroller. Druxer is creative and talented with considerable drive and energy. This gave rise to an innovation that combined full-time motherhood with her former career in fitness. The new business start-up integrates mothers spending time with their children with a physical fitness work-out. While new-business start-ups are a high-risk venture, Druxer had the full support of her husband even though she had never run a business before.

Today, Stroller Strides is a successful venture with over 100 sites nationwide. Her advice to individuals contemplating a new business startup includes: remaining flexible, having a sense of humor and to cut revenue projections by 50% while increasing by a factor of 2, projected expenses.

Discussion Questions
  1. What are many businesses doing in today's economy to reach and attract more customers? Would these methods potentially lead to outsourcing?
  2. Health care and education seem to be immune to outsourcing. Using the material from the chapter, cite reasons for this phenomenon?
  3. Is the process of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) appropriate for outsourcing?

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