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The Syl Tang Story

Syl Tang is a Chinese American woman living and working in New York City. She also happens to be the CEO of, an entrepreneurial business pioneered by Tang.

Tang is the true entrepreneur. She is very passionate about her business. She sees herself as waking each day with a belief in her business, its mission, and the need for constant enthusiasm. Being an entrepreneur is a very rewarding experience; however, it can be quite lonely as well.

Tang recommends that a business plan be carefully articulated as it is the most important document for those in financial roles for the business. This group includes bankers, accountants, and potential investors. She is firm about starting out by having a destination in mind, a roadmap. But, she says, one must remain flexible as there are events that occur that cannot be anticipated by even the best business plan.

To be a successful CEO, Tang believes that you must realize that one cannot know everything. The goal is to surround yourself with people who are experts in those areas that are critical to your business. Finally, she advises that one must "listen" first and be a cheerleader for your people and the business.

Discussion Questions
  1. If founder and owner Syl Tang were to choose the right goals to pursue for the business model but does a poor job in the area of efficiency, what is the likely result?
  2. What qualities does Tang have that ensure her success as an entrepreneur?
  3. Syl Tang is an independent owner of her business. How might she differentiate between efficiency and effectiveness?

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