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Classroom Observation
(See related pages)

Adolescent Self-Concept at Age 16 (14922.0K)

In this observation you will observe two adolescent girls as they discuss how their self-esteem fluctuates and is more influenced by the opinions of friends than family.

How can teachers not only recognize, but also work with peer groups to influence adolescent norms, values and behaviors?

Talking about Drugs at Age 15 (11541.0K)

In this observation you will observe three teenage girls discussing drug use at their school and that fact that they believe that most of the kids in their school have at least experimented with marijuana.

How would you respond to the student's defense of using drugs: "life is all about experimentation"?

Characteristics of Children Who Bully (15512.0K)

In this observation you will observe an interview with Dr. Espelage, an educational psychologist, in which bullying behavior and its characteristics are defined and the sex differences in bullying behavior are described.

What can teachers do to prevent bullying at school?

Sex Differences in Bullying Behavior (7504.0K)

What are the gender stereotypes associated with bullying behavior and why are these inaccurate?

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