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What Was Your School Experience Like?
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Respond to the following questions and then click "submit" to see how your high school experience compares to that of your colleagues.

1On average, I did _____ hours of homework per night during high school?
A)1/2 hour
B)1 hour
C)2 hours
D)3 hours or more

2I took courses that were generally
A)advanced and challenging
B)on target with my ability and interest level
C)boring in what we did and how we did it
D)with the easiest teachers in the easiest courses

3When I needed to talk with someone about a personal problem, I turned to
B)school counselors
E)adults outside of school

4My social group consisted of
A)many friends
B)a few friends
C)one best same sex friend
D)one best opposite sex friend
E)I was a loner

5My friends were mainly
A)my sex
B)the other sex
C)both sexes
D)my cultural background
E)cultures different than mine
F)mine and others

6My social activities included
A)hanging out at the mall
B)attending school activities
C)going to the movies
F)spending time at friends' homes

7Extracurricular activities I participated in included
A)student government
C)academic clubs
D)school newspaper/yearbook
E)drama or music productions

8A priority for me in school was
A)earning good grades
B)fitting-in with friends
C)participating in extracurricular school activities
D)participating in out-of-school activities

9I worked after-school jobs
A)to earn my own spending money
B)to save money for college
C)to gain work experience
D)to help support my family
E)I didn't work

10Overall, high school was
A)the best time of my life
B)pretty good most of the time
C)a mixed bag of good and not so good memories
D)a real problem, in plenty of ways

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