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Raven's Progressive Matrices
Become familiar with this test of general intelligence by trying it yourself.
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The First Seven…and the Eighth: A Conversation with Howard Gardner
Discover what Gardner has to say regarding his current thinking on intelligence, how children learn, and how they should be taught.
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Intelligent Intelligence Testing
Read an article from "Monitor on Psychology" about how psychologists are broadening their concept of intelligence and how to test it.
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Smarter Ways to Measure Intelligence than IQ
Consider alternate methods of measuring intelligence. Building on a theory he began researching almost 20 years ago, Dr. J. P. Das has developed "rules and tools of intelligence" which point to factors other than IQ in measuring a child's intelligence.
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IQ – Genetics or Environment
Reflect on the continuing nature/nurture debate. This article concludes that "the in-ability to recognize which factor, nature or nurture, is responsible for any specific trait, but knowing that one or both of the two IS responsible, will keep the argument of genetics vs. environment in the forefront of our search for answers for a long, long time."
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The National Association for Gifted Children
This website examines what it means to be gifted and how it can impact the whole family
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Children who are Gifted, Talented, and Creative
Explore the concept of giftedness. This comprehensive site addresses general topics regarding giftedness and creativity, and also provides links to additional resources.
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Measuring Intelligence Facts and Fallacies
This ebook by David Bartholomew explains more about what intelligence is and how it should be measured.
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Leman & Bremner, DevelopmentalOnline Learning Center

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