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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT a common change in the brain associated with old age?
A)brain shrinking
B)loss of neuron connections
C)decreased electrical activity
D)decreased plasticity
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A)Older adults’ brains may compensate for loss of neurones in one area by finding an alternative process or pathway that leads to the same cognitive function
B)Compensation may operate by increasing brain specialization
C)Compensation may lead more brain areas to be activated in response to a particular stimuli in older than younger adults
D)Higher performing older adults show less asymmetry in prefrontal cortex activity compared to low performers
Which is the best description of primary and secondary ageing?
A)Primary ageing is caused by diet, secondary ageing is caused by accidents
B)Primary ageing can be reduced by improved medical care but secondary ageing cannot.
C)Primary ageing is gradual while secondary ageing can be abrupt
D)Primary ageing is gradual deterioration of mental abilities while secondary deterioration is gradual deterioration of physical abilities.
Which is the best definition of crystallized and fluid intelligence?
A)Crystallized intelligence increases over the lifespan, fluid does not
B)Crystallized and fluid intelligence are qualitatively different concepts
C)Crystallized intelligence increases over the lifespan, fluid decreases
D)Crystallized intelligence is influenced by education, fluid is not influenced by education
Schaie (1977) proposed that it was important to consider how information was used at each stage of development. Which of the following statements about his model is CORRECT?
A)In middle adulthood knowledge is used to achieve long term goals.
B)In childhood knowledge is used to achieve social goals.
C)In early adulthood knowledge is used to care for one’s family
D)In late adulthood knowledge is used to examine one’s contribution to society
Which of the following types of memory declines markedly with age in late adulthood?
In their study of 3700 men born in Japan between 1900 and 1919, White et al. (1996) found that:
A)Genetic factors were unimportant in rates of onset of Alzheimers disease
B)There was no difference in levels of Alzheimer's between those who had lived in Japan and those who had lived in US for most of their adult lives
C)5.4% of those who had lived in Japan had Alzheimer's disease compared with 1.5% who had lived in US for most of their adult lives
D)5.4% of those who had lived in US for most of their adult lives had Alzheimer's disease compared with 1.5% who had lived in Japan
Which of the following is NOT an example of selective optimization with compensation?
A)An elderly woman writing a shopping list
B)An elderly man pinning his shopping list to the front door.
C)An elderly woman saying a phone number repeatedly as she goes to the next room to dial it
D)An elderly man asking his daughter to write his shopping list
Which of the following statements about happiness and ageing is CORRECT?
A)as people age they become happier
B)women are happier than men at all ages
C)men are happier than women at all ages
D)those who are more intelligent are less happy at all ages
According to Sternberg’s popular triangular theory of love
A)Romantic love is love with intimacy and commitment
B)Fatuous love is love with passion and commitment
C)Compassionate love is love with passion and commitment
D)Romantic love is love with passion and commitment
Forster, Epscude and Ozelsel (2009) found that:
A)Those who thought about love performed better on a logic task than those who thought about sex
B)Those who thought about love used more abstract patterns of thinking than those who thought about sex
C)Those who thought about love performed worse on a creative task than those who thought about sex
D)Those who thought about love focused more on specific details of a problem
Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about grandparenting?
A)A50% of grandparents showed a compassionate relationship with their offspring
B)1/3 of grandparents had a remote relationship with their offspring
C)Grandparents benefit more than their children and their grandchildren from being involved in their extended family
D)Grandparents provide practical and emotional support to their children and grandchildren
Which of the following statements about Kubler-Ross’s Stages of Dying is CORRECT?
A)Individuals go through stages in the following order: denial, bargaining, anger, depression and acceptance
B)The theory takes into account the emotional support of others
C)This pattern is seen in all cultures
D)Individuals who are dying will always experience at least two of the stages
According to Rowe and Kahn (1998) what are the characteristics of the successful ager?
A)Absence of disease, maintaining high cognitive and physical functioning, engagement with life
B)Absence of disease, maintaining high cognitive functioning, maintaining high physical functioning
C)Good social relationships
D)Maintaining cognitive and physical functioning
In Duvall's (1962) Role Theory, the stage when the oldest child leaves the family home is known as the:
A)critical phase
B)empty nest stage
C)launching centre phase
D)lift off phase

Leman & Bremner, DevelopmentalOnline Learning Center

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