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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Milgram investigated obedience to authority based on his concerns regarding
A)the Great Depression.
B)the nuclear arms race.
C)the civil rights movement.
D)the Holocaust.
In the Milgram experiment,
A)the "teacher" was the only actual participant in the experiment.
B)the "teacher" and the "learner" were both participants in the study.
C)the shock machine delivered only low-voltage shocks, regardless of the labels above each switch.
D)the participants were recruited based on past experiences of harming other individuals.
Most of the participants in Milgram's study
A)shocked the "learner" all the way to the end of the machine's scale.
B)refused to continue to shock the "learner" after he stopped responding.
C)did not participate in the experiment once they heard what was involved.
D)gave a few shocks to the "learner" but never continued beyond the midpoint of the machine's scale.
Milgram's study demonstrated that
A)people will give clearly incorrect answers to a problem when they believe the experiment is invalid.
B)destructive obedience is rare; most people will not engage in it.
C)people will obey commands to harm another person when they believe they are in a legitimate setting.
D)people will quickly stand up to an authority figure when they are uncomfortable obeying that person's commands.

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