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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Gender roles are the set of expectations, defined by a particular society, that indicates what is considered ___________ men and women.
A)wrong with
B)different in comparing
C)appropriate behavior for
D)the games played by
Tommie Boy has always been criticized for being unladylike because she liked to climb trees and get dirty and roughhouse with the guys. The criticism is because she is violating the expectations of society called:
C)gender roles.
D)gender identity.
People in Western societies like our own generally are more apt to view men as having traits involving _____________, whereas women are seen as having traits involving ___________.
A)athleticism; domesticity
B)mostly positive qualities; mostly negative qualities
C)power; weakness
D)competence; warmth
Sleeps A. Round has worked hard to get ahead in her company. She has made it into middle-level management but has hit a barrier in trying to get into the upper echelon positions. She has observed that everyone in the upper management level is male and thinks she is a victim of gender discrimination. This invisible barrier is called:
A)sexual harassment.
B)benevolent sexism.
C)a glass ceiling.
D)None of these.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A)Males are typically more talkative than females.
B)Males have higher self-esteem than females.
C)Males are more aggressive than females.
D)Males are more intelligent than females.
Every morning, when Showvanist Pigg gets to the office, he immediately turns on Weaka Sexx's computer and opens her programs for her so she won't have to try to figure out the complexities of how to do this. Showvanist is guilty of:
A)sexual misconduct.
B)benevolent sexism.
C)sexual exploitation.
D)stereotype threat.
Research indicates that the following is a gender difference found between men and women:
A)Men are more jealous in cases of emotional fidelity than in cases of sexual infidelity.
B)Women perform better than men on tasks involving verbal skills and muscular coordination when their production of androgen is unusually high.
C)Girls are more likely to play with toys stereotypically associated with boys if their mothers produced larger amount of estrogen than normal during pregnancy.
D)Women perform better on tasks involving spatial relationships when estrogen level is relatively low.
The process by which an individual learns the rules and norms of appropriate behavior is:
A mental framework that organizes and guides a child's understanding of information relative to gender is a(n):
A)gender role.
B)gender stereotype.
C)gender identity.
D)gender schema.

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