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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Developmental psychology is that branch of psychology that studies:
A)patterns of growth and change that occur throughout life.
B)the milestones of life we all face.
C)the interaction between the biologically predetermined patterns of behavior and a constantly changing and dynamic environment.
D)All of these.
The nature-nurture issue is a key question that is pervasive throughout the field of psychology. Today, developmental psychologists concur on which of the following points?
A)Genetic factors place limitations on the emergence of specific behaviors or traits.
B)Environmental factors play a critical role in enabling people to reach the potential capabilities that their genetic background makes possible.
C)A combination of hereditary and environmental factors influences development.
D)All of these.
Had Albert Einstein received no intellectual stimulation as a child and not been sent to school, it is unlikely that he would have reached his:
A)genetic potential.
B)environmental limits.
C)peak earning potential.
D)None of these.
To make up for the limitations in both cross-sectional and longitudinal research, investigators have devised an alternative strategy. Known as _____________, it combines cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches by taking a number of different age groups and examining them at several points in time.
A)sequential research
B)developmental step research
C)cross-sequential layered research
D)None of these.
The nature-nurture issue looks at:
A)maturation and genetics.
B)heredity and environment.
C)experience and environment.
D)experience and learning.

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