Writer's Choice Grade 11

Unit 22: History and Development of English

Unit Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read about the history and development of English. In this unit, they will learn more about Gullah history, culture, and language.

Lesson Description
Students will go to http://www.pbs.org/now/arts/gullah.html to read about Gullah history, culture, and language and answer three questions pertaining to the site.

Instructional Objectives
  1. Students will be able to navigate links on the website.
  2. Students will learn about how the Gullah culture developed today and the state of Gullah culture today.

Student Web Activity Answers
  1. The Gullah area is located along the coastline from South Carolina to Northern Florida. The Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina is the primary location.
  2. The area had many enslaved people from the same areas of West Africa. The enslaved peoples were often free to speak in their own languages because overseers were not present to prevent them from conversing. As a result, Gullah developed.
  3. Students' answers will vary but should mention efforts made by people who grew up and live where Gullah culture is predominant. They should also mention what experts in Gullah culture say.


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